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The Scandalous summer of Sissy LeBlanc

It was on a sunny day of June when sissy was sitting on the front porch was ponding over  if  aspiron and coca cola  could killer herself.  she has been liveing in old stifling Getry  since the day  she was born and trapped in an endless marriage with Peewee.

LeBlanc  since she was seventeen.  She was fed up with restless, and was ready for an adventure.  sissy didn't realized the temptations that were around her within the summer days as she was sitting on her front swing smoking.

She may have been fixated on the taul muscles of a line man that was shinning down the telephone pole that was across the street.  It allowed herself to imagened  that he had none other then her high school sweetheart.  Parker that had left town fourteen years ago.

Without saying goodbye.   As he was standing in her very own kitchen , was sipping on a Coke Cola  cracked over ice.  leaning into for a kiss.  As he will be stiring up more excitement  then sissy could not imagen.

It is so ok for a woman to know her place. She just shouldn't stay there.  

4 stars


  1. This sound like a great book. I will have to add it to my reading list thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm intrigued by the scandalous elements and the setting of the Louisiana bayou, which adds an extra layer of intrigue and mystery to the story.

  3. This sounds like it could be a great book. I'll have to get it from the library.

  4. Interesting! I'm not much of a novel reader, but this sounds like a great start to a juicy plotline!

  5. Such an interesting title. I do like a good mystery book.

  6. This sounds like a book that I would love to read. I'll have to check it out. I'm always up for a good book.

  7. Anonymous6/05/2023

    This sounds like a good one! I was needing a new book recommendation! Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  8. Richelle Milar6/06/2023

    This looks like a really great and interesting book that I need to check out! Thanks for sharing this with us

  9. Anonymous6/06/2023

    Sounds like the kind of novel my youngest daughter would enjoy reading! She’s always down for reading a good book 📕 LisaLisa

  10. Sounds like a very entertaining book. It is nice to read some fun books like this!

  11. Sounds like the perfect book for summer! I am sure I will like it!

  12. This sounds like a great read. I’ll add it to my must read list.

  13. both author and book are new to me.. need to check it out.. thanks for the review and recommendation

  14. Thanks for the rec. This sounds like a good book to read this summer. -LYNNDEE

  15. I need to see if my local library has this book! :)

  16. The review was interesting and book seems interesting. WIll check it out.


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