My blogging goals for 2023

Reading 50 Plus books.

I actually Read 50 plus book it not impossible to do,  I want to chllenge myself to read more books and discover , new authors. And be able to balance life responsibilites.

Their are so many books that I will be reading in 2023.  And i can't wait to share their review's with you'all. And sharing additonal books for a possible boolswap as well.  Check out 5 great books for a book swap that I am reading.  5 great books for a book swap


I wish that i have done more in 2022 is being consistancy this has to do with reading those schedule books I have choosen to read and writing post  those reviews on the blog.  Being active on the social media platforms.

I would like to uitilies socil media more, and be able to be more consistancy in writing 2 plus post and sharing them on all my soial media platforms. 

Increasing my traffic and Blog views:

I love to discover amazing Books that other blogger has recommended,  In 2023 I would love to interact with other book bloggers and their success and encouragement that they can give to new book blogger or even any new blogger as well. 

Reading for series of books:

I;m hoping to read more variety of books along with some series of books by many different author that I have discovered.   The Biggest thing is exspanding my reading list of more books of interested. Be able to give the best review of books that they author deserves.  

So If you are new at book blogging  Leave a comment belong so that I would be able to check out your blog. 

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  1. These sound like wonderul goals. It is so important to have goals and sticking to them. To be successful in everyday lives even in your blog as well.

  2. Those goals sound manageable. It's always good to have goals in mind.

  3. I bit the bullet and started a new blog yesterday. I've been blogging 10 years, no apprehensions, but the new one is very niche and I'm a lil nervous. ;) Good luck with your goals!! Happy 2023!

  4. You just reminded me to write my 2023 blogging goals too. Last year, I just wrote "make at least 100 posts for the year" -- which I am glad I was able to make it. However, for this year -- I would like to be more intentional with my posts and write about things that are more meaningful. Having more book reviews sounds really awesome. Hope to find more time to read this 2023.

  5. Loved hearing about your goals! Wishing you a successful 2023!!


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