Milk in my coffee

A black man falling in love with a white women, with eachother sometimes there was pressive matters to attend too. They were concerned with the predictable  fuss over interraical relationships. 

It is about the relationships not about the race. Jordan at the age of 30 an engineer was in love with kimbry at the age of 28 an artist they had an thorny relationship with friends, thier former lovers, and relatives as the need to unraval before they begin there relationships together. 

Jordan was in an on and off relationship with fiery J'nette  is saying that she is charring his baby. He had a friendship with  Soloman was engage to J'nette best friend But is less trustworthy that he seemed. 

Then Jordan family was in the mix. When He had to flight back to his home town  Brownville Tenn. to attend his ex father Funeral. As Jordan was catch in the thick of family voes. Reggie is his half brother has taken the time to check in a drug rehab center. 

After casting his older brother Darrel into Bankrucy. As being in the Rurual south were the racial tension and more frightening and immediate the Jorden remembers. He is not the only one that suffers but his brother is aganist dating a white woman, doing so as I was loaning her money.

Meanwhile Kimberly  was trying to get rid of her ex boyfriend and come to grips with her secret past. Showing Jordan some of her skeltons from his past.  A breautiful love story with a romantic twist.  

4 stars


  1. This seems like a good book. I will be looking for it to read soon.

  2. This is a great book. Most of all the romance twist that it has. It is something to read, and enjoy with a glass of wine as well.

  3. I love the romance twist. It's been a whole since I have read a romance book, thanks for sharing this!

  4. I love the title, catchy! I love reading romance books on spare time.


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